EcoEval Web Application

A web application/platform, similar to Trustpilot, where companies can rate other companies they partner with based on ESG performance.

solar panel monitoring system image


5 People


7 Weeks, Fall 2023

My Role

Research, Programming in HTML, CSS, JavaScripta and SQL, Financial Calculations, Video Recording


Visual Studio Code, DataGrip, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Video Recorder


Download Project Documentation Zip

1. Background

The purpose of this project is to present a low-fidelity design of a system capable of giving companies and customers a higher level of transparency into companies’ green profiles. The attractiveness/market potential has been evaluated through field research among potential customers and general needs/trends. The goal is to develop and grow the web platform in the Danish market and afterward expand in other Scandic countries and the world.

2. Software

"How can a website be designed to enhance transparency into the sustainable initiatives of companies for both customers and partners?"

2.1 Design

Home page of the website
Company page of the website
Profile page of the website
Sign Up/Register page of the website
Log In page of the website

2.2 Database

The choice of PostgreSQL as the database for this project aligns with EcoEval's commitment to reliability and compliance in handling sensitive information. Its structured data model provides a solid foundation for organizing and managing complex data relationships, enhancing the platform's efficiency. This database system ensures that registered users, companies, and their associated ratings and ESG scores are securely stored and readily available for analysis. This facilitates the rating of the companies by other users, contributing to the overall transparency and credibility of EcoEval's sustainability platform.

In essence, PostgreSQL serves as the backbone of EcoEval's data infrastructure, playing a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of the information ecosystem. The use of this SQL database enhances the overall functionality of the sustainability platform, reinforcing EcoEval's dedication to transparency, reliability, and user satisfaction.

Image of EcoEval Database Image of EcoEval Database

2.3 Overall View

EcoEval's software has been meticulously crafted to meet the comprehensive needs of businesses engaging in sustainability assessments. The platform provides an intuitive interface, ensuring a seamless user experience for companies navigating through the complexities of sustainability evaluations. Data manipulation is streamlined and user-friendly, allowing for easy interactions with the platform.

3. Finance

The financial overview outlines the initial costs, monthly expenditures, revenue growth projections, and return on investment, emphasizing the importance of effective financial planning and forecasting. The financial statement also highlights the opportunity to expand to the rest of Scandinavia in the near future.

However, EcoEval acknowledges the need for initial growth in the Danish market before it is venturing into other Scandinavian countries but a possible venture will generate growth for the company.

4. Outcome

EcoEval is a software that can transform businesses by monitoring and managing their sustainability aspects. It offers a comprehensive historical environmental performance record, tracking key metrics like ESG scores and company ratings. EcoEval's customizable features allow companies to tailor their data management approach, automating certain tables and providing manual updating options. This adaptable solution enhances informed decision-making, contributes to long-term financial viability, and aligns businesses with environmental goals, fostering a more sustainable and responsible approach that aligns with financial and ecological objectives.